Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pizza and camping and music too!

Mr. Zigzagman asks: Hey Norm! :) Whats your favorite frozen pizza?.....I like jacks the best myself....but Tombstone is close runner up.:)
Norm replies: Well I like frozen cheese pizza from the last ice age.

Mrs Zigman asks:My question is.... do you like camping? Does mommy? Mr Zig and our kids (aka The Princess and The ShortMan) and myslef LOVE camping. We live in Michigan.My other question.... What kind of music do you like?
Norm replies: I do like camping! I dont know if my mommy does (admin note: Mommy' once went on a month long camping trip and now her idea of camping involves beds electricity flush toilets and running water). Where is Michigan? Do you have to fly on an airplane to get there? I like rar rar music (death metal) I also like ancient desert music that daddy plays which is the opposite.

You got questions? Norm has answers! Leave your questions in the comments section or send them to . He will answer them in his blog!

Special thank to the zigzagmans for all your support! Keep on asking folks!


ZigZagMan said...

Norm! Good answes on the music buddy, add Irish folk music in and it would sound like my house..:)

Who do ya think would win the battle of battles....Godzilla or Pewee Herman in a big Dinosaur suit? :)

Winterskiprincess said...

Let your mommy know that it's okay about the camping. To me and my husband, camping has always been at a "rustic" B&B (complete with own spa bathroom of course) and breakfast waiting for us downstairs.

At least she did a month once. We didn't even get through one night when we were first dating!!

Winterskiprincess said...

Let your mommy know that it's okay about the camping. To me and my husband, camping has always been at a "rustic" B&B (complete with own spa bathroom of course) and breakfast waiting for us downstairs.

At least she did a month once. We didn't even get through one night when we were first dating!!

Ash said...


Are you ever jealous of your baby brother?


Do you know how babies are made?

Auntie Ash